By India Today Entertainment Desk: Manchu Manoj is officially married to Bhuma Mounika Reddy. The actor got married to Mounika in the presence of their close friends and family members. They tied the knot at Lakshmi Manchu's house in Film Nagar, Hyderabad. For the unaware, the rumours of their wedding had been doing the rounds for the longest time now. Manoj and Mounika are now husband and wife. Photos from their intimate wedding have gone viral on the internet. The duo was spotted together in a Ganesh mandap at Sitaphalmandi, Hyderabad during Ganesh Chaturthi last year. That's when the rumours of their relationship and wedding spread like wildfire.
Mohan Babu, Manchu Vishnu and other family members of Manoj blessed the couple on the special occasion. On the other hand, Bhuma Mounika Reddy’s sister Bhuma Akhila Priya and family graced the wedding ceremony. Shantha Biotech VaraPrasad Reddy and YS Vijayamma also attended Manoj-Mounika's wedding. If you haven't seen photos from their wedding ceremony yet, check them out right below:
READ | Manchu Manoj celebrates 16 years in cinema, thanks family and fans with heartfelt post
Earlier, in an interview, Manchu Manoj's spokesperson shared details about the couple's wedding. "They will tie the knot in a traditional wedding with just their families in attendance. The couple wanted to keep things intimate and personal. They’re happy to embark on a new phase of their lives together, and so are their families. The traditional pre-wedding festivities kick-started on February 23 at Lakshmi’s house. A sangeet and mehendi have been planned for March 1 at her residence," he said.
Here's congratulating the newlyweds as they embark on a new journey!
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